Saturday 31 May 2014


I have be meaning to do this for a while. I am sorry I haven't updated I've just been busy. I have no free time and am a very busy bee. *starts flying away*. I have had some new obsessions that i thought i might share with you

  1. Our 2nd life. I know its not that new but i have grown to love them more and am in the fandom more now 
  2. fan fiction. this too has grown on me i read fan fiction on wattpad
  3. twitter. I know this is an old one but I just hit 330 followers my twitter
  4. The fault in our stars. I have been obsessed for ages but i just got my ticket to the movie but like if you haven't read it go read it.
There isn't much else that i can think of off the top of my head so goodbye for now i will be back.

xoxo Rachster