Tuesday 11 August 2015

I'm sorry

I know I haven't written in a while. I'm sorry. I have been very very busy. Let me give you a run down on my life right now.

So I am currently in New Zealand on holiday as I am living in Phnom Penh. I do all my school work online and am finding it a struggle (and am so far behind that I don't have much free time and ms constantly doing school work). That's all that is really happening is school and sleep and you might mix in a little bit of YouTube. 

xoxo Rachster 

Wednesday 1 April 2015


Have you ever thought that moving house was hard. Try moving countries. And to top it off make it a country that you have never been to before and that you know all of one family.

This is me.

I moved from New Zealand to cambodia. In less than a month. We packed up our house and moved. It was crazy but now I am here im having a blast. I'm really enjoying myself but missing all my friends (and family) but am looking forward to the crazy stories I can tell everyone.

xox Rachster

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Life changes fast

Life changes fast. It may go slow at times but as soon as change is needed it will happen. Sometimes change happens a little too fast but it will all be beneficial. Everything happens for the bigger picture it can be great even through the glommy times. Life gets better and everything happens for the greater picture. Everything that happens to you builds you up and makes you stronger and adds to the memories you have throughout your lifetime. They make you you.

xox Rachster