Monday 16 December 2013

Media these days

So I feel like I should blog about Dylan Sprouse's nudes. I don't know why I feel like I should but I do. I think that if you have a body that is attractive why not show it. I also think that when people are calling them nudes they shouldn't, yes he is naked but he is covering his dick, it isn't like you can see anything. It's like when people post shirtless pics of themselves but he did make the best tumblr post in response to it (the post) but I just think that they are kind of stupid. Everyone is reacting majorly to it and I get to spend the whole time laughing at tweets that people have said because they are all really funny.

And then there was also the whole thing with Nick Jonas' Nipples. Like they are huge now and I am just like They don't seem real are they photo shopped or something. but no I think they a real  They seem realish. Like at least he doesn't care about media and takes his shirt off and doesn't care what people think about him like everyone just needs to imbrace who they are and stop talking about how others look especially if it isn't in a nice way.

Moral of the story, Enjoy who you are, Don't care what others think, and just be yourself. Look at how these people are not caring about what media and networking says about people. In there minds we are all beautiful.

xoxo Rachster

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