Sunday 2 March 2014

I Spent My Day With God

I had a great day yesterday. I know it sounds weird (and kind of 'I am heavily christian be christian too') but there is nothing like spending the whole day with God. Yesterday was a well needed brake from my life. I started at 8:10 when my mum woke me up to go to church. I then went to 2 church services because I needed to be at both for different reasons. But I then got into a matching shirt and went and had some fun with lots of my youth group (and some others) at a little competition we like to call top parish. My group didn't win but we did have a hella of a good time playing games and all wearing matching tops. We went there to have fun not to be the best (even though we clearly are). It just felt nice knowing that God was there and he was looking after every single one of us (I don't want this to turn into a God talk or anything but it was so good) The other thing was that it felt like we all knew he was there.

So that turned into a god rant. But I think you would prefer that over me realizing how unfit I am. (I had to go to city fitness for PE and am still not in a good mood from it). I could talk about that tomorrow if you really want.

xoxo Rachster

The youtuber today is ThatcherJoe also known as Joe Sugg. he is just plain old funny and just has all the good sides. He doesn't use youtube as a career but does it as ahobbie (I think don't get me wrong I have no clue) and is rather attractive

 (that is his sister not his Girlfriend!! so he is single as far as the public eye is aware)

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